Alps Consulting

Flexibility and Security: The Advantages of an Srl for Italian Companies

The Limited Liability Company (Srl) is the most widespread corporate form among small and medium-sized Italian businesses. This success is mainly due to two factors that make it particularly attractive for entrepreneurs: the limitation of the patrimonial liability of the partners, which remains limited to the capital invested in the company, and the possibility of planning the tax incidence.
In particular, with a customized statute, it is possible to:
  • Regulate the entry of new members gradually;
  • Limit the transferability of company shares to third parties, protecting the ownership structure in the event of the death of a member;
  • Separate ownership from administration, to maintain control and stability;
  • Assign specific rights to different categories of members, creating corporate structures tailored to the needs of the company.

A correct definition of the operating rules of an Srl can represent a decisive factor in encouraging growth and ensuring business continuity in the long term.